Facts About the Dangers of Bicycles

June 2017

The summer months are upon us.  This means more bicycles on the road.  Before venturing out on the road, here are some statistics from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention that hopefully can get you to think about safety when riding your bike:

- About 1% of all the trips taken in the United States are by bicycle.

-  Those between the ages of (15-19) and those over the age of 40 have the highest death rates on bicycles.

-  Most bicycle deaths occur in urban areas and non-intersection locations.

- Males are much more likely to be killed or injured on a bicycle than females.

Remember that when bicycling, you are required to follow the rules of the road.  A bicycle rider is unprotected on the road with the exception of the helmet.  Take some time before you get on your bike this summer and think about safety.

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